Testimonial to Mobile Working
From: kcp2150
To: FreeStyleWork
Hey i think that this whole thing is really great! I just signed up for the evaluation and i like it. I'm only 16 but i love the idea of having a responsibility like that and would be very intrested in pursuing this further. Are you a representitive for FreeStyleWork?
From: FreeStyleWork
To: kcp2150
Hello, and thank you for the email !
I'm actually the owner of the site. The Evaluation was a project I started about 2 years ago to see how many people would be interested in working with a mobile device like the Sidekick.
As time went on, I didn't get the response that I thought I would from most of the users. It seems that older PocketPC and PDA users are more interested than younger Sidekick users.
I'm glad you like the evaluation, and you can continue if you like. There are no plans for real work until about June. It's nice to know that someone at your age is interested in actual work, and not just fun and games.
From: kcp2150
To: FreeStyleWork
Yes I am very intrested! I don't know all of the technical lingo and about all the questions you may ask but I like the evaluation.
From: FreeStyleWork
To: kcp2150
It's not Rocket Science... lol
Most of the questions asked, you can find the answer to using your device. All you have to do is type keywords in any search engine like Google, and a bunch of pages come up with all the answers you need.
The thing is, most people are too lazy to go looking for answers to questions. Just like lazy people hire house-cleaners because they don't have time to clean their own house. And that's the whole key to business. Doing things for people that don't have the time to do it themselves. By the end of the evaluation, you'll be a little smarter than most people, and a lot more dependable than the lazy ones.
From: kcp2150
To: FreeStyleWork
Aww I see I'm glad I talked to you! I totally missed the point of the evaluation your testing how well we use our resources. I thought you were testing the knowledge we already have. I look forward to the next 29 days.
It's not for everyone, but if your intersted, you can try it out.
Message Posted By: FreeStyleWork